
High School

²ÝÝ®Éç recognises that learning is a lifelong journey.


Teaching and learning at ²ÝÝ®Éç are underpinned by our development of a culture of thinking, in which deep, critical thinking is valued and ongoing reflection is actively promoted.


²ÝÝ®Éç builds in our students a love of learning, encouraging them to take an increasing responsibility for their own unique learning story. Our ultimate goal is to develop passionate, independent learners equipped with the skills and dispositions necessary for success in the 21st century.


Our students are encouraged both to problem-solve and problem-find. They are ²ÝÝ®Éçd with opportunities to learn about each subject, function as a practitioner and develop cross-curricular skills and understandings that prepare them for their future. Our learning environment promotes engagement in collaborative, real-life learning and builds students’ ability to think innovatively. Our teachers are committed to ongoing professional growth, so as to remain at the forefront of best practice in teaching and learning. They are reflective practitioners, committed to our students’ growth as learners and thinkers.

Educate A Child According To The Child’s Path

Proverbs 22:6
חנוך לנער על פי דרכו - Chanoch La Naar Al-Piy Darcho

Welcome from the Principal
